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The bell curve, also known as the Gaussian distribution (Carl Friedrich Gauss, 1777-1855), is important in statistics and probability theory. It is used in the natural and social sciences to represent random variables, like the beads in the Galton Board.
The Galton Board is math in motion, demonstrating centuries-old mathematical concepts in an innovative desktop device. It incorporates Sir Francis Galton’s (1822-1911) illustration of the binomial distribution, which for a large number of beads approximates the normal distribution.
Release the Galton plate (plugboard) to start a stream of balls that bounce with equal probability to the left or right, approximating the bell curve. It includes equal distances between the standard deviation lines and include a bead of the same size for easy flow into the bin. Perfect for classroom demonstrations, educational displays, and statistics or Six Sigma enthusiasts. A must-have addition to your laboratory supplies or mathematics/statistics classes.
The Galton Board is reminiscent of Charles and Ray Eames’ groundbreaking 11-foot-tall “Probability Machine,” featured at the 1961 Mathematica exhibit. An even larger Eames probability machine was showcased at IBM’s Pavilion for the 1964 World’s Fair in New York.
Size: 40.5 X 30.5 X 3.5 cm (16″ X 12″ X 1.5″)
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