Green Belt Exam Prep Store

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Let us help you study and pass the ASQ Green Belt or Black Belt exam. Invite as many colleagues as you want to this 16-week prep course conducted virtually in 2-hour sessions, as we work through the study materials. Learn more >>>


QCI Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Exam CD ($70)
Lean Sigma Corporation – Six Sigma Practice Tests and Answers ($17.99)
Green Belt contains 23 pages (PDF) with answer key. Full DMAIC Lean Six Sigma practice tests. Derived from our accredited training materials and aligning to both the IASSC and ASQ Bodies of Knowledge.


ASQ Paper and Pencil exam (Free)

QCI Certified Six Sigma Green Belt Primer ($70)
CSSGB Primer contains 578 pages of the body of knowledge and 400 questions and answers. Answers are provided in the back, but the explanation and how the problem was solved is only available in the Solutions guide for $35.

Want to talk about your situation? Book a 15 minute coaching call for free, so we can go through the Certification Discovery Call together and decide what option(s) are best for you.

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