After teaching many Green Belt classes, we discovered that we needed more interactivity with the audience. What we came up with was a fun and exciting quiz game to test students on their knowledge of Six Sigma.
Select a student from the class, have them go through the questions (15 total, from $100 – $1 Million). Each question gets progressively harder as the dollar amount goes up. If the student needs help, they can always use the typical help guides: “50/50”, “Lifelines” or “Ask the Audience”. This is a great way to make learning Six Sigma fun!
Note: There is a prerequisite for this game. Learners must be familiar with the concepts taught in the Six Sigma Green Belt Body of Knowledge, such as: SPC, t-tests, p-values, DMAIC, DOE, correlation, six sigma concepts, Six Sigma companies, Capability indices, confidence intervals, etc.
How long would it take you to develop your own quiz like this? Hours? Weeks? Unless you can develop a similar game in less than an hour, this course will pay for itself at least ten times over!
The game is yours to keep. Feel free to edit, change or modify any of the questions however you want, or don’t change a thing. Just make sure you keep the same correct answer selections, as they are setup already (If question 5 is “C”, then you need to keep the correct answer as “C”).
No recurring costs, no “per student” charge, and no special software to download.
This is a new product we have developed, so any feedback you have for us would be greatly appreciated. We have done all the hard work for you, so just download the game, and you’re ready to go!
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