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List of supplies for Lean Six Sigma Event Facilitators

If you are just getting started leading or facilitating lean or six sigma events, you need to be prepared with a list of kit supplies to have during the event.

Each event will have different objectives and require different supplies, but here is a list of items to consider (Note: Amazon affiliate links):


Write On – Cling On Reuseable Static Easel Pad – Better for the environment than paper easel pads, but if you want paper, at least use the recycled paper version, and you might need a easel pad stand.


Post-it Recycled Sticky Notes – A must have for any event. Select the recycled paper version.


Digital Stopwatch – If you are doing anything related to time, you need real measurements from the process, not data from a system. Timings also allow you to see the waste first hand.


Clipboard with calculator – Useful for taking notes, and doing quick math, such as takt time, yield, or DPMO.


“Butcher” paper roll – Good for taping to wall for process mapping with post-it notes


Recycled Perforated Note Pads – Good for taking notes during walk throughs, tours and process reviews


Colored pencils – Useful for showing multiple flows on spaghetti diagrams


Flip chart markers – Write on dry erase boards or easel pads


Name tents – These are reusable with dry erase markers, to save paper.

Other items that you will need, but should not require ordering online:

  • Scissors
  • Rulers
  • Tape (masking and scotch)
  • Pencils and pens
  • Digital camera – someone should have a smart phone that takes good pictures
  • Tape measure
  • Glue sticks
  • Sharpies (permanent markers) – bold enough so words are legible when posted on the wall

The following items are not required, but you might find them helpful:


Pedometer – Easy way to capture actual walking distance of people, instead of what it should be on paper


Label maker – For making signs and labels in work area


Laminator – For making signs to hang in work area or metric sheets that can be wiped clean each day


Measuring wheel – An easier way to calculate square footage and distance than a tape measure

These items above are generic for most events, not specific to a VSM or 5S event, which would require additional items, such as 5S red tags.

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Related Article: How to decide on the right number of people for your lean event?

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